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青島FAG軸承假貨多多 找對方法辨陷阱
發(fā)布時間:2018-08-16        瀏覽次數(shù):455        返回列表
  As consumers, first, there is no instrument to check the quality of FAG bearings, and second, there is no ability to distinguish the true and false FAG bearings. So, how can we let consumers in a very simple and convenient way to buy authentic Qingdao FAG bearings down-to-earth, plain and clear?
  Nowadays, there are many imported bearing agents. In the face of fierce competition in the bearing industry, many sellers seek high commission in order to achieve the goal of performance. They use consumers'ignorance of FAG bearings to describe the residual FAG bearings as authentic FAG bearings to cover consumers.
  It is suggested that when purchasing FAG bearings in Qingdao, consumers can ask the seller to issue an authorization certificate to distinguish authenticity. If a salesperson can't produce a useful authorization certificate, you should be careful.
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