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首頁(yè) > 新聞中心 > 選擇進(jìn)口軸承就選NSK軸承的理由
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-08        瀏覽次數(shù):294        返回列表
  There is a reason for anything to do, and we know that southern cities are relatively developed areas in China, and some of the basic manufacturing enterprises have been phased out in recent years. In NSK bearings such enterprises, we will see that the market in the south is getting better and better.
  This is related to the industrial transformation of our country in the new period, and in the past we all know that Dongguan has the reputation of the world processing plant, but how to say it is a processing plant. And now we need to become a leading enterprise in the manufacturing industry and improve technology in the manufacturing industry, so in the development of modern enterprises, they begin to enter the international competition. For example, in the field of automobile manufacturing, on the one hand, the utilization rate of cars made in China is very high in China.
  The Chinese already have more than 100 million cars in today's cars, and in the next few years, there will be a rapid increase in car ownership. The NSK bearing is a very important link in the automobile industry, and now it is based on the choice of bearings. Many automobile manufacturers in Dongguan say that imported bearings are believed to be much better in terms of performance. For cars that need to be driven on the highway, we should see that safety is always the most important, not that domestic products do not work well.
  But in the process of fatigue testing of NSK bearings, we will find that many enterprises in Dongguan still feel more comfortable. Of course, these joint-venture enterprises in the future in the domestic quality of the overall improvement, we can also see the gradual use of products that do not use imports, but now it seems that the bearings are still to be imported as much as possible.
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